100+ ADS. 26 STATES.


rapid testing to optimize and launch 100+ youtube ads every day over a four-month period?

when a national political campaign needed a solution, mercury delivered with both groundbreaking technology and game-changing expertise. 

THE ask

Our client, prominent strategists for a national political campaign, asked Mercury to conduct Moment-to-Moment (M2M) Dial Tests for over 100 unique ads of their candidate speaking about key policy issues with respondents from 26 states across the U.S..

The goal was to gather real-time feedback about each of the video ads from voters in key groups they hoped to win over in the upcoming election. For this to work, information gathered as quickly as possible was vital to make same-day decisions around how best to optimize their digital ad strategy.



Over four months, we rapidly tested 4-8 new videos daily by creating an automated fielding process that distributed the dial test questionnaires to 100 unique respondents within 30 minutes of receiving the video files.

Clients monitored the data in real time via Mercury’s Analytics Workbench and used that data to decide whether to increase ad budgets for a specific video, cut a video altogether, or re-test a video with updates.

Additionally, data from M2M Dial Tests in Mercury’s Analytics Workbench were automatically weighted across audiences to ensure that tests matched representation across political affiliation and demographic characteristics such as gender, age and ethnicity.

The tools

Mercury’s M2M technology allowed respondents to indicate their interest in the candidate on a moment-to-moment basis by instructing them to move a slider just below the video to the right the more likely they were to vote for the candidate and to the left the less likely they were to vote for the candidate – at ¼ second precision.

As each survey fielded, the strategists accessed the decision-making data in real time via Mercury’s revolutionary Analytics Workbench where they could download the dial test and quantitative results, all of which could be easily segmented using custom audience definitions allowing the client to create cross tabs for in-depth analyses of the ad performance among select audiences.

    Learn more about our Analytics Workbench here.

    THE solution

    Through testing, our client learned that a majority of the ads had a positive impact on respondents – ultimately inspiring stronger support for their candidate.

    The data also informed our client which advertisements did not have the desired impact among specific groups projected to vote in large numbers – allowing our client to quickly pull or modify the ads before broadcast.

    our expertise

    Mercury has been a go-to political research partner for campaigns spanning from the Obama Era to present-day House, Senate and Gubernatorial races.

    With today’s precisely-targeted advertising greatly influencing public perception of candidates and campaigns, working with a cutting-edge research partner is more important than ever.

    Request a demo of Mercury’s M2M Dial Testing Technology here.

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